lehmanbush foundation
LehmanBush Foundation Fellowship Program
The LehmanBush Foundation Fellowship offers personal and professional development to NGO personnel & policy entrepreneurs.
Through its fellowship program LehmanBush Foundation opens its doors to NGO personnel and young influencers, and policy makers from around the world who are committed to undergoing a process of personal and professional development, and who want to bring about change within their organizations.
The LehmanBush Foundation Fellowship is a five-month collaborative-working program designed for current and promising leaders. It builds on the knowledge and experience of our global community.
The LehmanBush Foundation Fellowship offers young leaders the opportunity to:
strengthen core leadership skills and competencies
learn from, network and exchange with current and past leaders to
help shape the development of your sending organizations and local community.

Our Mission & Values
LehmanBush Foundation is a nonprofit institution non-governmental organization that helps improve policy and decision-making through research and analysis.
As a nonpartisan organization, LehmanBush Foundation operates independently of political and commercial pressures. Our core values are quality and objectivity. We strive for excellence and influence through our focus on:

LehmanBush Foundation’s research and analysis address issues that impact people around the world including security, health, education, sustainability, growth, and development.

Critical Challenges
LehmanBush Foundation seeks to find solutions to difficult problems of critical importance to the public. Philanthropic support enables us to reach beyond the scope of client-sponsored work to tackle tough and often-controversial topics.

Integrity and Quality Standards
We are committed to the highest level of integrity and ethical behavior. All LehmanBush Foundation work—every publication, database, or major briefing—completes a quality-assurance process.

Accessibility of Our Research
LehmanBush Foundation is nonprofit, nonpartisan, non-governmental organization committed to the public interest and to making our work accessible to people throughout the world.