Real Estate
LehmanBush helps you reduce complex issues to simple business decisions from due diligence to closing to property management. Our inspections are thorough. Our reports are accurate and concise. We respond quickly. LehmanBush understands the heightened scrutiny of commercial real estate finance. We do not create concerns, allow ambiguity or amplify trivial issues. We provide the intelligence needed to close deals. We provide professional strategic advisory services to real estate clients concerning their regional competitive strategic planning and assist them in developing corporate and project strategy covering their investment strategy, branding strategy, sales and marketing strategy as well as procurement procedures.
LehmanBush also provides professional financing and structuring advisory to real estate clients in connection with their real estate projects or investments where financing through debt (e.g., bond issuance, loan syndication, mezzanine loan, structured finance) or through equity (e.g., reverse takeover, pre-IPO financing, equity fund-raising) is contemplated. LehmanBush advises clients contemplating real estate related divestitures, including disposal of property portfolio, and disposal of properties under insolvency proceedings.
Our services encompass the initial assessment, preparation of relevant documentations, search and screening of potential buyers, assistance in negotiation process and completion. We provide comprehensive advisory services to real estate clients concerning their contemplated cross border M&A transactions, Including assistance in searching for and screening of potential acquisition targets, advice on acquisition structure, due diligence, and assistance on negotiation and closing.